Every Home must have a tree for better Planet earth and every wallet must have a C◎PETree for better ROI
- Only 3333 of them.
- Minting at (TBA) $COPE.
- Comes in different traits.
- Each one is rare, unique and none like other.Some of them are scarce.
- Each C◎PETree = 100 Tree on ground, supporting #10BillionTreeTsunami campaign to make the world a better place for coming generations.
- 10 AI Creatives will be dropped daily to the new buyers on secondary market till the last day of 2021.
- Holders will have certain advantages in upcoming mega project WORLD 1.0.
- Royalties will be used to buy either new promising projects on mint and drop to holders or for S◎Ldrops.
- 33% royalties to daily buyer sellers
- 33% royalties to weekly holders
- We are updating project C◎PETree continuously. stay tuned.
Total 3333, Minting on 1st November, 2021 at 0.7 S◎L.

AI to create a new world (WORLD 1.0).
We are highly influenced by the work of @BalajiS @aeyakovenko, and @cyrii_MM.
- AI art sales will be used to build our dream of "WORLD 1.0"
- Starting with AI creatives because it is easy for masses to grasp, will be hanging in your virtual 'Home', A house to control your country, soon.
- People will create countries with all sorts of features such as flag, currency, population and business entities.
- Social laws can be implimented
- Rarity x coppies : economy
- Life and AI breeds of human, animal, bots and what not.